Mysore Dasara goes mobile

Vivek, Bangalore-based visual communication designer, has come up with a quickie of a travel guide on Mysore dasara that can be accessed on mobile phone. Vivek calls it Emo.zine-Dasara, something you need to download. It shows up on your mobile window as a slideshow that informs you of the Mysore dasara highlights, the timings, ticketed events, discounts, accommodation availability, weather conditions, traffic situation. This is any-time info on your fingertips, for ‘cell-holics’, the type that carries a cell phone all day and sleeps with it at night. If I am not excited about Vivek’s offering, it is because I don’t own a fancy cell-phone; and have problem handling even the simplest of instruments I have. Must admit my ignorance on simple dos’ such as returning a ‘missed call’ or sending ‘sms’. I miss out on calls because I tend to forget where I left my cell phone after my last call  – bedside table, on the book-shelf, front-room window sill or living-room coffee-table, buried under yesterday’s newspaper or half-read magazines.       

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